Dieser Talk mit Paul Smit fand im November 2014 in Wien in englischer Sprache statt. Der Talk wurde organisiert von Paul Lukhan und fand in den Räumen von Dana Raimann statt. Vielen Dank an Michi fürs Filmen und Vorbearbeiten des Videos.
Dieser Talk mit Paul Smit fand im Juni 2014 in englischer Sprache statt.
Basics about Nonduality (Advaita) and awakening; no “I” there anyhow; the easiest way to explain it…; not two – everything is one; different names for that one: aliveness, one energy, consciousness, God, …; the universe, made from energy in the form of matter, plants, animals and humans, moved by nobody and with nobody in, but the humans think they have free will and they are doing things; the default network in the brain, which starts by the age of one and a half to create the feeling of self-awareness (ego); even when the self-awareness, the feeling of I, was not present like while hearing music, afterwards the ego claims that it was doing this, like by saying: “I was hearing music”; in animals no self reflections like in human beings; the very small bla-bla-mind who is creating stories for everything that is just happening and who is thinking it is controlling the whole system; the I and the strategies around it, becoming dominant or pleasing; about the idea to have to control everything, and the frustration, fear, blaming and guilt out of this, and the suffering and stress out of this – and techniques to get rid of this like buying stuffs, drinking bear, eating chocolate, having a career, and when all of this doesn’t work anymore may the idea comes up: Let’s become spiritual and become a better version of myself; liberation with the help by Nonduality by seeing that the first idea of being a separate “me” is just an idea; when in awakening everything repressed comes up; Paul writing a book about Nonduality and love and relationship and about the idea of a “perfect relationship”; when free, liberated people come together and having a relationship it really becomes simple without manipulation; no more lies to please somebody; in separation love becomes conditional; the shift that there is nobody to blame because there is nobody inside; phases when people hear the first time about Nonduality / Advaita: confusion, Advaita love, “enlightened” behavior, phase of superiority, Advaita shuffle, environment like family, friends and colleges, old pains coming up; about the “Advaita police”, when the mind claims to know better about Advaita than other people; when just listening to people is a help for them; also in the partner there is nobody in, doing something or having a choice; we are just happening, there is no control at all; when we want to be good in something we practice it – but for enlightenment this doesn’t work, which seem to be mean; there is nobody in – not a popular message; no more preference anymore to not feel pain; for everyone it is happening in a different way; the irreversible process of awakening up – ones it is seen it is seen; so simple: just this!; also falling in love just happens; deep trust that live is carrying “us”; openness in companies to hear about Nonduality and about how a human being is functioning; often there is “only” awareness and no self-awareness in daily live; the question how Paul is rising his son; no way to rise a kid in an “enlightened” way; also a child can not choose what it does or wants; we are not our thoughts and not our body; the tendency to repress everything painful; not taking the problems of somebody else serious although not the problems of one’s clients; the capacity of human beings to look through the illusion of being a person.
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Alles über Nichts ist ein niederländischer Film (mit deutschen Untertiteln) und lädt dich ein, das sich täglich drehende Hamsterrad loszulassen - durch eine komplett andere Sichtweise auf das Leben. Diese jahrhundertealte Philosophie aus Indien nennt sich Nondualität und wird u.a. von Albert Einstein, Eckhart Tolle und Ramana Maharshi untermauert. Wenn du durch die Einsicht berührt wirst, kann sich alles in deinem Leben grundlegend ändern… während sich gleichzeitig nichts zu ändern braucht.
Danke an Paul Smit für die Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlichung des Filmes!
Dieses Interview mit Paul entstand im Juli 2014 in Belgien in Englisch, Fragen von Devasetu.
Paul talks about Nonduality in the Netherlands mostly for companies; everything one – everything simply happening; the cosmic joke that we thing we are the doer of our actions; the suffering out of the illusion of a me and the idea of being a separate entity with a free will; about the free will concept; will can appear; waking up from the dream of the me – or not, this is just what is happening; about the concept ego, the I creator; no good or bad; no meaning in life; opening up the mind by humor; feelings without the projection of “my”; the story of “my” past – only a fantasy; pointing at “this is it, what happening now”; no new concepts but “killing” old concepts about being a person; Paul’s love for humor; awareness in with everything appears and disappears; about the magic trick in the head to create the illusion of a me; what is happening – no story afterwards; not a guru, just a guy who likes to talk about Nonduality; moments when we are disappearing in the happening; being in the flow; “the moment you think you are lost”; no technique at all; interesting for people in companies to hear there is no control; team playing; no idea of the future; everything is as it is, no need to use the word “perfect”; Paul, making jokes in the talks; Advaita pointing at “me” is only a thought; everything is enlightened itself; being into “This”; “kill the Buddha on the way”; the trust that life is carrying us or that we are life itself; enlightenment – life getting lighter, but not for someone; dropping away of many concepts – done by no one; pleasure and pain are coming and going, we cannot do anything about it; when the fear comes up to “stay in hell forever”; our true nature is freedom itself; when there is no trust in life then this is what is happening; about the law of cause and effect; life is too complex to understand it; time only taking place in our imagination; without resistance and identification feelings are great; life seen as a moving; when the trying to repress the upcoming pain falls away; about the “process of awakening”; no possibility to go back when the illusion of the “I” is seen through.
Paul Smit ist bekannter Autor und Redner.
2007 erschien sein erstes Buch über Nondualität. Und im Jahr 2012 der Bestseller "Erleuchtung für Faule".
2013 produzierte er zusammen mit Robert van den Broek and Ismaël Lotz den Film "All about nothing".
www.paulsmit.nu - Webseite von Paul Smit
www.a-dvaita.nl/english.htm - Beiträge auf Nonduality
www.nondualiteit.nu - Nondualität in Holland
Letzte Aktualisierung: 5. April 2015